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Contributing to PyDeployment

Guidelines for contributing to PyDeployment.

Feel free to contribute to the project by sending pull requests or reporting issues to the GitHub repository. As a simple wrapper script, PyDeployment's scope is limited by design, so please keep that in mind when submitting requests for features or other improvements.

Code of Conduct

All contributors and maintainers are expected to abide by the PyPA Code of Conduct.

Testing the Development Version

You can install the development version from the project repository itself. First, clone the repository and enter the project directory.

git clone && cd pydeployment

Then, create a virtual environment.

python -m venv --upgrade-deps venv

Install the testing requirements.

venv/bin/pip install -r requirements_pytest.txt

Finally, install the project in editable mode.

venv/bin/pip install --editable .

Run any of the scripts in the tests directory to conduct tests on a specific aspect of PyDeployment, or run the following command to conduct all tests.

venv/bin/pytest tests/

In order to test macOS notarization, you will need to create a file named .env in the project directory with the information necessary to notarize an application. See macOS Notarization for details on the necessary values.

CERT="Developer ID Application: Name Here (TEAMIDHERE)"