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Using a Custom Appimagetool Binary

Specify your own appimagetool binary.

Although appimagetool binaries are included with PyDeployment, you can instead choose to use your own appimagetool binary by providing the path to the binary to APPIMAGETOOL in the environment file or --appimagetool on the command line.

Additionally, you can choose your own AppImage runtime by providing the path to the file to RUNTIME_FILE in the environment file or --runtime-file on the command line. If you specify the value to be an empty string (i.e. ""), then the latest runtime will be downloaded, which is the default behavior of the appimagetool binary.

For compatibility purposes, you can choose to extract the appimagetool binary before running it. This is useful in cases where PyDeployment is run inside a container or on a machine where FUSE is not available. To use this option, set the APPIMAGE_EXTRACT_AND_RUN option to "True" or any non-empty string. Alternatively, use the --appimage-extract-and-run option on the command line.