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Using an Environment File

Place build options in a file.

You can place your build options in a file to avoid needing to list them out constantly.

Setting the Environment File

By default, PyDeployment pulls values from the environment file named .env in the current working directory. You can specify a different environment file with the environment variable ENV_FILE set to the path to your desired environment file. For example, on Windows, you can use the following command to pull values from an environment file named env_values.txt located in the current working directory.

cmd /C "set ENV_FILE=env_values.txt pydeploy"

The equivalent command on macOS and Linux would be the following.

env ENV_FILE=env_values.txt pydeploy


The environment file is a text file where each line takes the form Name=Value where Name is the name of the build option and Value is its value. Take care to enclose values containing white space with quotes.

Platform-Specific Options

You can set platform-specific options by prefixing variables in the environment file with their platform. The prefixes are WINDOWS_, MACOS_, and LINUX_ for Windows, macOS, and Linux, respectively.

A common use case for platform-specific options is with the ICON option.


Using this technique, you can easily keep all of your build options in a single file.