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Build Options

List of all possible options to set.

PyDeployment recognizes the following build options. See Setting Build Options for details on how to set these options.

Universal Build Options

Option Name Type Description Default
--log LOG text Set the log level. Can choose among 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'. Setting the log level to 'WARNING' avoids asking the user for confirmation of the build. Setting the log level to 'ERROR' also avoids asking the user for confirmation to delete preexisting build artifacts. 'INFO'
-y, --no-confirm NO_CONFIRM boolean Do not ask for confirmation. Automatically proceeds with build and deletes preexisting build artifacts. False
--no-clean NO_CLEAN boolean Do not delete build artifacts after completing the build process. False
--archive ARCHIVE boolean Package as an archive file. See Package as an Archive File. False
-f, --filename FILENAME text Output filename without version and architecture. Must not contain white space or any other characters which are disallowed in file names. Basename of the Python script or PyInstaller spec file.
-a, --appname APPNAME text Application name. The value of FILENAME
--id ID text Application ID. Should follow reverse DNS format. 'id.not.found.' + The value of FILENAME
--appv, --app-version VERSION text Application version. None
--author AUTHOR text Author. None
--publisher PUBLISHER text Publisher. The value of AUTHOR
-d, --description DESCRIPTION text Application description. None
--pyi-version PYI_VERSION text PyInstaller version to be used. The latest version of PyInstaller
-i, --icon ICON path Path to icon file. Path to the PyDeployment logo
-l, --license LICENSE path Path to license file. Path pointing to a single-line temporary text file with the content: 'Copyright (c) ' + the value of AUTHOR
-o, --outdir OUTDIR path Path to output directory. 'dist'
-r, --requirements REQUIREMENTS path Path to pip requirements file. The listed packages will be installed along with PyInstaller. This option is ignored if VENV is set. None
--venv VENV path Path to Python virtual environment. See Using a Custom Virtual Environment. None

Windows Build Options

Option Name Type Description Default
--nsis NSIS path Path to NSIS file. See Using a Custom NSIS File. Path to PyDeployment's default NSIS file 'build.nsi'
--makensis MAKENSIS path Path to makensis binary. See Using a Custom Makensis Binary. Path to PyDeployment's included makensis binary makensis.exe

macOS Build Options

See macOS Notarization to learn about these options and how they are used.

Option Name Type Description Default
-E, --enti, --entitlements ENTI path Path to entitlements file. Path to PyDeployment's default entitlements file 'entitlements.plist'
-C, --cert, --certificate CERT text Common Name of Certificate. None
-K, --keyc, --keychain-profile KEYC text Name of stored Keychain Profile. None
-A, --apid, --apple-id APID text Apple ID. None
-T, --tmid, --team-id TMID text Team ID. None
-P, --pass, --password PASS text App-specific Password. None

Linux Build Options

Option Name Type Description Default
--appdata APPDATA path Path to AppStream metadata file. File name should be in the form: The value of ID + '.appdata.xml'. None
--appimagetool APPIMAGETOOL path Path to appimagetool. See Using a Custom Appimagetool Binary. Path to PyDeployment's included appimagetool 'appimagetool-*.AppImage', whichever one matches the architecture of the system.
--runtime-file RUNTIME_FILE path Path to AppImage runtime. See Using a Custom Appimagetool Binary. Path to PyDeployment's included AppImage runtime 'runtime-*', whichever one matches the architecture of the system.
--appimage-extract-and-run APPIMAGE_EXTRACT_AND_RUN boolean Extract appimagetool at runtime for compatibility purposes. See Using a Custom Appimagetool Binary. False